Monday, September 22, 2008

Emery's funeral

I am sure most of you know by now that my brother Emery Nez has passed away and we are having the funeral Tuesday September23, 2008 at the Toquerville cometary. It makes me so sad to think all of Emery's blood family was taken by alcohol. I know Emery has been very sad since his brother left this world and I believe they are both together once again. We as a family met together and planned the funeral and such and here are a few photos that I took while they were all here.


Annie Empey said...

Oh you are in SOOOOO much trouble for putting that picture on here!!!!! :-)

Aggie. I. said...

Hi... I was just wondering if this was the same Emery that lived in Washington on the COlville Reservation some years back.... He was my buddy and I have tried looking for him over the years