Sunday, August 24, 2008

Come to visit

Stud Muffin! Christian has come to spend a couple of weeks with Bud and I. He is going to meet his mother up at Fort Bridger Wyoming at our next show. He is such a great kid. He loves to tell stories and be the center of the program just like any other 7 year old. He is a handful and he keeps us busy but I would not change having him here for anything. Yesterday he had his baby brother call him. It was the saddest thing I have ever heard. Toryen love's his older brother lots. I am so looking forward to having them up at the show with us. Natalie, Joel and there children are coming as well. I sure love being a grandma. Yes Jamie this is how I let Christian dress when he is here. He is having a blast.


Debbie said...

Looks like he is having a great timeÜ
Malawna my email is email me sometime so we can catch up.
What part of vegas do your kids live in? We are south of the airport.

Erica Locke said...

OH CUTE! I love his outfit! ha ha! Thanks for the comment on my simple Livin Post! I agree with you and a think we could add even more reasons if we wanted too.